CHRIST Alone - Part 2

Aug 4, 2024    Pastor Marc Williamson

When someone dies, the common, the natural thought of people is only of loss. We say things to the grieving like, “I’m sorry for your loss.” The world’s way of thinking is this—“to live is earthly gain, & to die is loss.” However, when you place your faith in Christ, that all changes. If your life is about money, to die is loss; it’s gone. If your life is about earthly pleasures, to die is loss; it’s over. If your life is about power, prestige, popularity, possessions, or selfish pursuits, to die is loss; those things pass away. But, if your life is Christ, if life is truly characterized by loving, worshiping, & serving Christ, I mean “for you to live is Christ,” if like Paul your life is about Christ alone, then to you death is gain. Now, how exactly is this possible? What did Paul mean when he said “to die is gain”? Let’s discuss the gain experienced through death for those who have found life in Christ.