Purity & Prayer

Aug 21, 2024    Pastor Marc Williamson

      Tonight, I want to discuss a principle that runs throughout the Bible—Righteous living results in effective prayer whereas unrighteous living results in ineffective prayer. How many of you have known some great prayer warriors in your lifetime? I mean, when these Christians prayed you knew GOD heard them & was going to answer. If you have personally known believers such as this, let me ask you 2 questions—What was their character? What kind of a life did they live? I would dare say that all of us who have truly known some great prayer warriors would all testify that these believers were all godly in character & lived Christlike lives. What you saw on Sunday was what you saw on Monday. These believers lived according to GOD’s Word. They were not hypocrites. I’m not saying they were perfect by any means, but they did live righteous lives.