Facts About The Far Country

Oct 10, 2021    Pastor Marc Williamson

All of us sitting here today have lived in the same place. I’m not speaking of a geographical location, but rather of a spiritual one. The place I’m speaking of is what Jesus called “The Far Country” in His parable about The Loving Father & His Prodigal Sons. The far country symbolizes distance from GOD’s fellowship. If you have not been born-again, you are right now living in the far country. While GOD is omnipresent, you are far removed from His fellowship. If you are saved, while you have entered into the eternal fellowship of GOD through Jesus Christ, at some season in your Christian experience, you will find yourself wandering from GOD. Whether you understand it or want to accept it, any distance we find ourselves at when we drift away from GOD’s intimate fellowship is also the far country. Like the elder son in Jesus’ story, Christian, your heart can be in the far country (distanced from the Father) while sitting in His House every Sunday & Wednesday.