Dec 17, 2023    Pastor Marc Williamson

Over the last couple weeks, we have been giving our attention to the 3 significant titles of Jesus which were delivered by an angel of the Lord to shepherds on that first Christmas night. Each of these names communicate very important, fundamental truths about Jesus regarding His nature, His authority, & His ministries, & His mission. When we truly understand these different titles, we begin to actually see what GOD wants us to see about this One born in a manger.

In our first message we considered the title Christ. This designation means anointed or chosen one. It connects Jesus with all of the OT prophecies given about the promised Messiah (the Anointed One) who fulfills the role of Prophet, Priest, & King of His people. Then we considered the title Savior. This wonderful designation reveals the mission for which the Messiah came—He was chosen to seek & save the lost. This title also expresses the compassion of GOD for His fallen creation. Today, we’re going to consider the name & title Lord.