A Prayer For Cleansing

Mar 20, 2024    Pastor Marc Williamson

     Many have wondered how King David was used so mightily by GOD in light of his great failures. David had his share of sinful mistakes in life, the most notorious was his adulterous affair with Bathsheba & then attempted coverup which involved Uriah’s death. Yet, GOD would continue to use David to produce inspiring psalms & provide for the building of His temple. In 1 Samuel 13:14, we read that the Lord actually sought David out to be the king of Israel because he was a man after GOD’s own heart. Had GOD not seen David’s great failures before choosing to use him? Of course He did, GOD is all-knowing. So, what was it about David that made him special to GOD? Well, David did love the Lord & he sought to honor GOD above all. David lived his life trying to please the Lord. Did he do it perfectly? No, he was flesh & blood just as we are. However, when David sinned, he learned how to deal with it & return to fellowship with GOD. Here in this Psalm, the wonder of what made David pleasing to the Lord soon vanishes. In this chapter, David laid his heart bare before GOD & dealt with his sin in the way that GOD accepts & responds to.