Call & I Will Answer

Jun 19, 2024    Pastor Marc Williamson

Let me tell you why believers like the prophet Jeremiah are sustained & able to soar above their circumstances when adversity comes while others sink under the waves of adversity & their faith is shipwrecked. Mature believers really believe their GOD is great & thus turn instinctually to the Lord in the moment of need, they fix their eyes upon His greatness, & begin to worship Him rather than focus on their difficult situation & sulk in faithlessness. Jeremiah believed & acknowledged that the Lord his GOD was all powerful & praised GOD for His underserved lovingkindness (from prison) instead of becoming bitter about his undeserved treatment & the many injustices he had suffered. This takes faith which recognizes GOD’s greatness in the darkest of settings & chooses to praise GOD for who He is rather than limit it to what’s going on in our lives.