This Is Amazing Love
One of the problems we make in our humanity is assuming GOD is like us & therefore His love is like ours. Consequently, we often hold many wrong perceptions of GOD & His love. For example, many people feel like GOD loves us less when we fail to obey Him & more when we do as if His loving passion for us increases or decreases with our degree of faithfulness to Him. Why do we do this? Because through life we watch people who say they love someone today & walk away from them tomorrow. Human love is so flawed we’ve come up with phrases like “falling in love” & “falling out of love” to describe the unstable & insecure nature of our love. But friend, I want you to know that GOD & His love are not unstable nor insecure in nature. We make a great mistake when we let anything other than GOD’s Word shape our understanding of Him & His love.