Marching Orders

Jun 9, 2024    Pastor Marc Williamson

Christian, whether you’re a teacher, technician, waitress, construction worker, truck driver, nurse, doctor, lawyer, therapist, housewife, or student—no matter what you do in life—that’s incidental to your mission on earth. If the extent of your involvement & participation with Christ after getting saved is simply going to church, then you have missed the point of your life on earth. You see, the Lord has given His church a supreme mission, a priority assignment, & He calls every believer to do their part in fulfilling this mission, to do their part in accomplishing this assignment. Do you understand that? This supreme mission is what our Great Commission recorded in this text is all about. It is the church’s marching orders. Believers, we are commissioned to take the Gospel to all the world. We are tasked with evangelizing sinners with the aim of making disciples. Church, this morning we are going to review our marching orders. Why? If we are to faithfully fulfill our assignment on earth, we must get this right.