The Judgments Of The Tribulation - Part 5

Oct 23, 2022    Pastor Marc Williamson

Let’s remediate for just a moment. Jesus appeared in His glory to John in Revelation 1, & begins to dictate the letters to the seven churches in chapters 2, 3. Next the Lord Jesus raptures John into His heavenly throne room, & John then describes the worship of the Lord Jesus that he saw occurring in chapters 4, 5. Jesus also told John He was going to show him “things which must be hereafter” (4:1), & that begins in chapter 6 (Ch.6 begins to describe the Tribulation Period). In chapter 5, Jesus takes the book (the title deed to the earth in scroll form) from the Father, & in chapter 6 He begins to open its seals. With the breaking of each seal, a series of judgments is unleashed upon this world to punish it for sin. When the judgments of the 7th seal are completed (this section contains the 7 trumpets & vial judgments), the kingdoms of this world will have been reclaimed & Christ will return to establish His kingdom on earth.