Faith That Doesn’t Fizzle In The Fire - Part 2

Aug 11, 2024    Pastor Marc Williamson

When all those thousands of people who had assembled to fall before Nebuchadnezzar’s idol & worship it bowed, it left 3 Hebrews standing all alone. Why did they remain standing & refuse to bow? Because the Lord GOD was their GOD & they bowed only to Him.

They were not going to bow to an idol because their GOD, the Lord GOD whom they served, He alone is the one they worshipped & He has specifically commanded that there be no other gods in His people’s lives & He has also commanded that they bow not to any other image or idol (Exodus 20:3-5). This was a stand of faith based upon the Word of GOD. This was real faith in action. This kind of faith, while it is smiled upon by GOD in heaven, on earth it only angers & aggravates.