Faith That Doesn’t Fizzle In The Fire - Part 1

Aug 11, 2024    Pastor Marc Williamson

      Today, more than ever, we need a generation of believers who will stand for Christ & His Word unashamedly & unapologetically. As the world’s attack upon all that the Bible proclaims is true & virtuous is growing more heated, we need Christians who won’t fold in the face of the fire. We need true children of GOD whose convictions won’t bow nor their faith fizzle when the flames draw near.


         Sadly, in this culture, men & women with such resilient faith & real Biblical convictions are few & far between. Instead, what’s more common in our day are people who claim to have faith & are one way in church on Sunday but change once they leave. Can I tell you something—Nobody is buying into that kind of faith. That kind of faith doesn’t pass the test of genuineness & certainly it doesn’t impact others for Christ. And most importantly, GOD does not reward shallow, inconsistent, frail faith that folds when put to the test. The faith that GOD rewards is that which stands the tests of trials & temptations.