The Tribulation
The Tribulation is a 7-year period that occurs after the Rapture of the church. These final days will be filled with indescribable, unprecedented natural disasters, religious persecution, murders, horrors, deception, violence, political chaos, reports of massive death tolls, big government takeovers, loss of individual rights, famines, wars, diseases, & the explosion of sin on such a level that will drown out all traces of morality. Thing will be that way & grow only worse until the Lord Jesus physically returns to earth at the end of the Tribulation Period. This will be a time like no other as GOD unleashes His holy judgment upon sinful, rebellious humanity. Whether people believe this is true or not, this judgment is coming just as sure as GOD warned & then sent the in flood Noah’s day. As a preacher of the Word, I’m simply following orders by sounding the alarm & giving the warning. Such messages spring out of GOD’s grace & mercy.
Tonight, I want to discuss this terrible time of divine judgment which is coming.