The Requirement of GOD’s Word - Part 2

Jun 30, 2024    Pastor Marc Williamson

I would dare to say that the majority of us in this sanctuary understand the importance of GOD’s Word to our own country. The Bible has been the greatest & most powerful factor in shaping our nation’s constitution & legal system. It has historically been the most influential factor in this nation’s moral progress. If you remove from our legislation every law founded upon The 10 Commandments & from our society every principle from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, you will have removed the very cornerstone which upholds our nation & American society. Do this & everything will come crashing down. And yet, that is what we have been doing in our legislation & in our culture here in America. We have systematically removed the Bible from every public place where it could make a positive impact upon our culture. And now look at what is happening to our country by the removal of GOD’s Word from the people. It’s amazing that we can’t we connect the dots. Today, we have more spiritual, moral, physical, & psychological problems than ever before. Why? Because the removal of GOD’s Word from any place of influence in any culture or society is disastrous & devastating.