What You Miss When You Miss Church

May 5, 2024    Pastor Marc Williamson

Why have we assembled today? Why not Saturday? Why not Monday? And why is it a big deal for believers to assemble together? Well, our text will illustrate & give understanding to these questions. But before we get into our message, let me say upfront that GOD’s people, the church, the ekklesia (in Greek) or called-out assembly, has been congregating together on Sundays since that first Sunday when Jesus arose from the grave. Jesus appeared to His disciples on that first Sunday & did not reappear to them until they assembled the following Sunday. From that moment forward, the disciples established the pattern of assembling on Sundays & the result was that the first day of the week (Sunday) became known as “The Lord’s Day.” Therefore, when the Apostle John wrote to the 7 churches in Asia Minor (6 decades later), the Christians in those churches knew exactly what day of the week he was speaking of when he said:

Rev 1:10a I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day…

Assembling on Sunday was fully embraced by the early church, only their assembly lasted a lot longer, & we see this in the NT beginning in Acts.