Evangelism: The Ministry of Reconciliation

Mar 3, 2024    Pastor Marc Williamson

This morning, I ask those of you who profess to be saved, “What is your purpose right now on earth?” Why are you still here seeing that your Lord & Savior has already returned to His Father’s house, your eternal home, & things are so much better there? The answer to that is found in our text this morning & we’re going to discuss it. But, before we dive into our study, let me go ahead & inform you that the reason you & I are not transported immediately to heaven after salvation is so that we can evangelize this lost world. Now, what is meant by evangelism? Evangelism is the spreading of the Gospel. It is witnessing of the good news of Jesus Christ with the intent of bringing sinners to Christ. It is what Paul, in these verses, calls the ministry of reconciliation.