How To Finish Well

Jun 2, 2024    Pastor Marc Williamson

One of the blessings of doing ministry in a different country & culture is that it forces you to reflect upon what is actually essential & important to living for Christ & serving Him. What you discover is that we, by human nature, tend to complicate things from age to age & culture to culture. We add a lot of nonessentials to the Christian life & ministry that are not Biblical which only produce unnecessary stress & unprofitable activities. This happens in every culture & generation, not just here in the South in the “Bible Belt.” For example, GOD gave the Jewish people 10 Commandments. But guess what? The Jewish leaders decided that was too vague, & so they added more laws & ended up with 613. These laws or rules covered everything from what you could or could not do on the Sabbath to your personal hygiene. The point is this—man has a way of complicating what GOD intends to be simple & straightforward.