The Darkside of Easter

Apr 14, 2024    Pastor Marc Williamson

     While we have talked much about the rejoicing of the Lord’s disciples after He arose from the grave on that first Resurrection Sunday & made appearances to His followers, we need to discuss the other side of the Easter story which is not pleasant to hear or think about. Why? Because GOD has recorded it in His Word & thus, we need to hear all that He has said. When we tell the story of the Lord’s resurrection, we always recount how that Jesus appeared in the midst of His disciples & renewed their hope, restored their joy & spoke peace to them. But we often fail to mention that as the disciples celebrated that Sunday evening with their risen Lord & Savior, the dead corpse of 1 of the 12 disciples lay rotting with flies swarming it in a potter’s field. That body belonged to Judas Iscariot. This morning I’ve been impressed to preach on The Darkside of Easter.