A Snapshot Of Calvary

Mar 24, 2024    Pastor Marc Williamson

At some point in our lives, we will find ourselves in a group photo. It may be a picture we had to take with our family, with our graduating classmates, with our sports team, with our work staff, or some other group. Now, some of us hate to take pictures but we can’t escape certain group photos. And yet, guess who the first person we all look for in a group photo is, even those who hate to take pictures? Ourselves, right?!


        Well, tonight, we’re looking at a group photo. It is a snapshot that Matthew gives us of Christ’s crucifixion. And though you & I were not physically there, each one of us is represented in some way by the people surrounding the cross. As I point out the different people groups represented here, I want you to look for yourself in this photo. I assure you that you’re pictured here in one of these people or groups.