CHRIST Crucified

Apr 2, 2023    Pastor Marc Williamson

Too often we rush into the Easter morning service without a lot of thoughtful contemplation of the cross. When we do we miss out on the richness & reward that’s continually rediscovered by those who stop to linger before Christ crucified. In a culture that’s busier, more distracted, & self-absorbed than ever, we need to heed the exhortation given in Hebrew 12:3…


Heb 12:3a For consider (contemplate) him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself…


         Church, we live in a day that embellishes gold-plated crosses as stylish pieces of jewelry & architecture. The cross has become so common that I’m afraid we can see it & wear it today without it having any deep impact upon us. This morning, in apostolic tradition, according to the NT pattern & mandate, we are going to preach “Christ crucified.” For our time together this morning, we are going to consider Him that endured such contradiction of sinners. We are going to gaze upon the Christ & His cross in all of its ugliness & beauty, in its shame & glory, in its condemnation & grace, in its costly payment & free gift. Lest we pass by callously or carelessly, we are going to fix our thoughts upon Christ crucified.