A Purposed Heart

Aug 14, 2022    Pastor Marc Williamson

Since our youth are beginning a new schoolyear, I want to speak on the importance of living with a purposed heart. How many of you know that things in our culture & society are deteriorating spiritually faster than we’ve ever seen? That’s not by mere chance. Today there is a concerted effort by godless people who have infiltrated high places in every sector of society to advance their godless agendas through every sphere of influence from social media to school curriculums. My fear is that if our youth do not make some serious decisions now, if they don’t resolve in their hearts to be a real Christian & purpose within their hearts to take certain stands for Christ early on, then they will be swept away by these evil tides & conformed to this wicked world. And that will prove disastrous for their souls. I’m convinced that too many of us don’t start taking spiritual choices & decisions seriously until after high school, some not until after college, & others never seem to. Instead, we just sort of live our lives passively & without purpose not realizing that the forces of this world are pushing us along in a direction away from GOD & away from His eternal purposes for our lives.

This morning I want to challenge us all, especially our youth, to grab hold of GOD by making some serious determinations in our hearts concerning living our lives for Him. Living with a purposed heart, as we shall see through Daniel’s example, is the most profitable, fulfilling, meaningful, & safest way to live as a Christian in a godless culture. And, if you want to go deeper in your relationship with Christ, then you must determine to do so through some real choices & decisions.