The Importance of Israel

Oct 11, 2023    Pastor Marc Williamson

Tonight, I feel impressed to reteach the significance of Israel to GOD, to Biblical prophecy, & the future. It’s important, in a day of growing anti-Semitism, to understand that the Jewish people are GOD’s chosen people & that they have a special program in GOD’s plan for history. If you want to know what GOD is up to in this world, in this in this age, pay attention to the land of Israel & the people of that land, because “the Jews are GOD’s yardstick in history; they are GOD’s outline for time; they are GOD’s blueprint for what He is up to in the rest of the world.” In the words of one scholar, “GOD has a plan & Israel is His Timepiece.” Why is Israel so important? Tonight, I feel impressed to reteach the significance of Israel to GOD, to Biblical prophecy, & the future. It’s important, in a day of growing anti-Semitism, to understand that the Jewish people are GOD’s chosen people & that they have a special program in GOD’s plan for history. If you want to know what GOD is up to in this world, in this in this age, pay attention to the land of Israel & the people of that land, because “the Jews are GOD’s yardstick in history; they are GOD’s outline for time; they are GOD’s blueprint for what He is up to in the rest of the world.” In the words of one scholar, “GOD has a plan & Israel is His Timepiece.” Why is Israel so important?