How To Face The Future

May 10, 2023    Pastor Marc Williamson

Transitions are a part of life. You grow up, get married, & move out of your parents’ house. You change jobs. You have a child & become a parent. You take on a ministry. Many of these transitions are exciting & we welcome them when we have a choice in the matter. However, some transitions in life are forced upon us & it’s these that produce fear & often overwhelm us. For example, a spouse dies & the other is left to do life by themself. You get fired or laid off & you must start looking for a new job or career. You have a loved one whose age &/or health thrusts new responsibilities upon you. You experience an injury or sickness that altars everything in your life. You find yourself assuming the care of someone else’s children. These forced transitions produce fear because we often do not feel equipped, experienced, or ready for them. But, ready or not, here they come.