The Pretribulational Rapture - Part 2

Nov 15, 2023    Pastor Marc Williamson

Tonight, I want to spend some time explaining why we believe in a Pretribulational Rapture. In other words, we believe that the Bible teaches that the Rapture will take place before the horrific tribulation period – the 7 years of demonic wickedness & the pouring out of GOD’s wrath. Now, the Rapture is that glorious event in which the Lord descends from heaven to the clouds in the atmospheric heaven to resurrect the bodies of the saints that have died in the church age & catch up the living Christians from earth to meet Him in the air. The Bible says that believers will be instantly transformed, changed in the twinkling of an eye, into their glorified state during this event. The reunion of the believers with the saints that have died & the Lord occurs in the clouds, & from there they are taken back to heaven to be with the Lord forevermore.