In The Shadow of Doubt - Part 2

Oct 30, 2022    Pastor Marc Williamson

As we noted in this morning’s message, John was in prison. During this period, he began to experience some doubts because Jesus’ ministry did not meet the expectations he had about the coming judgment of the Christ. No doubt he was also perplexed by his present situation. Therefore, he sent 2 of his disciples to ask Jesus if He was the Christ or should they be expecting another. In response, the Lord graciously demonstrated His divine power through many miracles of healing & then quoted some prophecies from the Book of Isaiah. Jesus sent John’s messengers back to him with overwhelming empirical & Scriptural evidence which validated Him as the Messiah. He told these messengers to go back & tell John what they had seen & heard. This would be sufficient to stabilize John’s faith through his fiery trial & settle all of his doubts. Evidently, after John’s disciples left, Jesus sensed that many in the crowd began to question & depreciate John the Baptist, & He would not let their wrong opinions of him go unchecked.