The Devotion of The Delivered

Nov 13, 2022    Pastor Marc Williamson

In my estimation, apart from Jesus Christ, there is no New Testament personality that has been more maligned & misrepresented than Mary Magdalene. She has often been wrongly identified by many as the prostitute who washed, anointed, & kissed the feet of Jesus in Luke 7:36-50. The argument behind that illegitimate assumption is that Mary is mentioned in the text immediately following that account. That’s foolish because there are also other women mentioned in these same verses as Mary (Joanna or Susanna), & if Mary was the woman in Luke chapter 7 then it would make no sense for Luke to have left her anonymous in the story, only to mention her name a few verses later. Despite the lack of Scriptural support, many down through history have embraced the falsehoods fabricated about Mary. That is why you discover a lot of art (such as the paintings of Leonardo da Vinci) & literature that depict Mary Magdalene as an immoral woman. Though this false depiction of Mary is not supported by the Bible, it hasn’t stopped countless infidels from trying to promote it. This misrepresentation has birthed many lies such as the suggestion that Mary Magdalene was the Lord Jesus’ secret lover.