The Funeral Crasher

Feb 26, 2023    Pastor Marc Williamson

This morning we are picking back up where we left last week. Recall, Jesus & His disciples had just returned from the eastern side of the Sea of Galilee where He had healed a demoniac. Shockingly, the response by the community was rejection of Christ (vs.17). So, Jesus & His disciples got back into their boat & set sailed back to Capernaum. As before in this area, a large crowd had assembled on the shore awaiting His arrival.

Amid this predominantly superficial crowd stood 2 people who were especially anxious to see Jesus—Jairus, a socially esteemed man with a dying daughter; & an unnamed woman who had become a social outcast due to her incurable disease. These 2 stories, united by GOD’s providence, not only evidence Jesus’ power over disease & death, but they also reveal how that GOD can use desperate situations to bring faith into a life (as with the bleeding woman) & also to grow faith in a believer (as with Jairus).