In The Shadow of Doubt - Part 1

Oct 30, 2022    Pastor Marc Williamson

Luke chapter 7 begins with Jesus commending a centurion’s great faith. That’s what every believer should long to have—great faith in the Lord Jesus. However, in this same chapter, GOD’s Word helps us see that even some of the greatest believers have had moments when their faith was not so great & they struggled with doubts. The astonishing surprise in the text is that it was John the Baptist who was battling doubts. The good news here is that there is help for the honest doubter. The Savior will help the sincere believer dealing with doubt, those who want His truth to dispel their doubts. But, on the other hand, there is no help for the skeptical unbeliever (ie. the Pharisees) who refuses to believe the Word of GOD & the evidence before him.