Finding Christ In A Crisis

Jun 19, 2022    Pastor Marc Williamson

This morning we are considering Jesus’ encounter with a desperate father (This is a great passage to be in on Father’s Day). Though the father could not see it in advance, the tragedy that struck his home would be used by GOD to save his entire family. Whether we understand or like it, the fact is that GOD often uses troublesome circumstances to bring us to Him & also develop our faith. Such is the case in this story. More importantly, in this account we are given another evidence that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living GOD, & also reminded that Jesus is a compassionate Savior who we can cry out to in the face of suffering or difficult circumstances. Through these opening 4 chapters of John’s gospel, John shows us that Jesus is Lord of all; He is Lord in times of celebration, as in the wedding at Cana, & He is Lord in times of crisis. I pray that this message today will provide some practical lessons for all of you fathers, & that it will deepen the faith of every believer, & also that it will convince any unbeliever present to place their faith in the Lord Jesus.