Eviction Notice

Sep 30, 2020    Pastor Marc Williamson

GOD had planted his people in His land. He had provided for them, had protected them, & had nurtured them. He only asked that they love Him alone & obey Him out of love. Initially, they said they would. But over time they proved to be a rebellious & unfaithful people. They systematically broke all of GOD's commandments over & over again & had kept disobeying Him for generations & also gave their love to false gods. Because GOD is loving & patient (longsuffering), He didn’t kick them out of the land immediately after they had clearly violated their covenant. Instead He extended mercy & grace by sending them His messengers again & again. He raised up prophets to preach to the people & warn them to return to Him in faith, love, & obedience before He served judgment. Yet the people took GOD’s love for granted. They abused His grace & mercy. They ignored His warnings despite living in the land He created for them to worship & serve Him in. They thought to themselves, “Well we're GOD’s people. No way will He ever kick us out of His land. We visit His house. We give Him offerings from time to time. We’re free to live as we please. We can praise Him on feast days & also hold to our idols.” And so now GOD sends another Prophet, in essence with the eviction notice, & says, “That’s it. Pack up. You’re not living here any longer.”