The Judgment of Ammon, Edom, Damascus, Kedar & Hazor, & Elam

Jan 25, 2023    Pastor Marc Williamson

We’ve all heard the old saying, “The neighborhood is going downhill.” Well, Israel never watched its neighborhood go downhill because from its very beginning they lived in a bad neighborhood. Jeremiah’s prophecy is simply that the bad neighborhood is going down. These last few chapters of Jeremiah serve as a reminder that the Jews were surrounded by fierce enemies all around. They constantly lived with the threats of violence & warfare at their borders. Five of Israel’s enemies are mentioned in Jeremiah 49: to the east, the Ammonites (vv. 1–6); to the south, the Edomites (vv. 7–22); to the north, the Arameans (Damascus) (vv. 23–27); to the far east, the Elamites (vv. 34–39); & scattered throughout the area south & east of Israel, the tribesmen of Kedar (vv. 28–33). These are areas from which people have afflicted & threatened the Jews throughout history, down to this very day—Jordan, Syria, Iran, & the area occupied by Palestinian Arabs.