Choosing A Queen Over The King

Sep 28, 2022    Pastor Marc Williamson

Last week, in chapter 43, we saw how that GOD warned the remnant of Judah not to go to Egypt, but they refused to listen. Instead of heeding the Word of GOD that Jeremiah preached, they slandered him & said, “We don’t believe you; GOD did not tell you to tell us not to go to Egypt,” & they headed for the far country. Now, we love the story Jesus told of the prodigal son because of how it ends. Recall, the wayward son hit rock bottom, then he came to himself, repented, returned to his father, & was graciously received, robed, & rejoiced over by his father. Tragically, that’s not the ending for every prodigal. As we shall see in our text tonight, the prodigal remnant of Judah would not return from Egypt (the “far country”). Instead, they would be divinely judged & die in that pagan land. As I stated last week, with regard to the remnant, this is a sad ending to a sad story.