Is There No Balm In Gilead?

Aug 26, 2020    Pastor Marc Williamson

Are we astonished any longer by how sinful our nation & even those who claim to be Christians have become? More importantly, are you astonished at how we as believers can become indifferent & hardened to the sin we see all around us? Last night, I received a bad report concerning a young girl who professes to follow Christ. Apparently, she has become mixed up with a lost & extremely sinful guy. I shook my head in disgust & disappointment & said, “Well, we know where that sinful road will lead”. As I studied this text, I must confess, I had to repent. You see, as I observed Jeremiah’s response to his people’s stubborn rebellion against GOD, I asked myself, “Rather than just sigh in disappointment last night, why hadn’t I wept over that young soul knowing the devastation that sin will produce in her life?”