The Savior of the World

Jun 12, 2022    Pastor Marc Williamson

In our previous message, we saw how that Jesus sought out & evangelized a Samaritan woman. This morning I want to return to the end of that encounter as we continue our study of Jesus. Let me remind you that every single event recorded in GOD’s Word is not for the purpose of teaching us about the people Jesus encountered, but to reveal something special & important that we need to know about the Lord Himself. So, from the encounter with religious Nicodemus in c. 3 & now this immoral Samaritan woman in c. 4, we discover that Jesus came to seek & to save lost souls, regardless of education, social standing, reputation, race, nationality, gender, or standard of morality. Since Jesus is the Son of GOD & the Scripture is given to testify of Him, I want to begin this message with another observation about the Lord Jesus that’s frequently overlooked in this text.