Believers That Jesus Won’t Save

May 22, 2022    Pastor Marc Williamson

The last 3 verses of this chapter connect us to the story of Nicodemus, which immediately follows. This small section helps us appreciate the miracle of the new birth & also creates an awareness about the nature of saving faith. If you recall from our study of this chapter, Jesus had traveled to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover shortly after performing His first miracle in Cana. There He remained for Passover & the Feast of Unleavened Bread that followed immediately. Upon arrival, Jesus cleansed the temple (an astonishing act performed by One person) which signaled to the people that Christ, the Son of GOD, had come to the temple like a refiner’s fire (Mal.3:1-3). During that week, Jesus would perform a number of miracles that are not recorded in Scripture. John simply informs us that Jesus performed miracles in verse 23 which the people observed.