The Danger Of Religion

Jul 8, 2020    Pastor Marc Williamson

There’s a verse from Jeremiah that we quote all the time which says:

Jer 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

   It is impossible to know the true condition of our hearts apart from the Lord’s help. Thankfully, there are some external points of examination we can observe that aid us in diagnosing it. Though these tests alone cannot give you a clean bill of health spiritually speaking, they can certainly reveal some dark spots on the x-ray. For instance, when one loses the desire to attend church to worship GOD corporately & exhort the Body of Christ, that is a sure indicator that one’s heart is cold & sickly. Secondly, there is the examination of our giving. If we are not honoring GOD with our substance & giving Him the first fruits of our increase, then we can rest assured that the Lord is not the object of our supreme allegiance & affection no matter what we claim.