From Making Pots to Breaking Pots - Part 2

Apr 14, 2021    Pastor Marc Williamson

In our last message, we saw how that GOD directed Jeremiah to go down to the potter’s house (workshop) & watch him molding clay into pots on his wheel. As Jeremiah watched, the potter discovered a flaw in the pot he was shaping with his hands. The potter evidently cut out the flaw, pressed the clay into a lump, & began to form it into another kind of pot. That was verses 1–4.

In verses 5–11, GOD gives the interpretation of that object lesson & explains that the potter & the clay illustrated His relationship to His people. They were like clay in His hand. GOD has the right to tear down or patiently build up a nation or people as He pleases. He is the Sovereign Lord GOD & Creator.