From Rotten Kings to The Righteous King

May 19, 2021    Pastor Marc Williamson

In chapter 22, GOD told Jeremiah to go to the king’s house & deliver him a personal message. Zedekiah, the last king of Judah, was on the throne currently. Jeremiah’s inspired message would begin by addressing Zedekiah’s failure as king & then trace the fall of the previous 3 kings of Judah in the order of their succession. And he reveals how that the Davidic line of kings had turned out to be a royal mess. Each of the last three Judean monarchs had been wicked rulers, & by divine decree, each ignored the prophet’s warnings & thus each met a horrible fate. And like the kings before him, Zedekiah was stubbornly following in their footsteps by refusing to heed the Word of GOD spoken through Jeremiah.