Two Baskets of Figs

Jun 9, 2021    Pastor Marc Williamson

How do you respond to the chastening of GOD? When GOD determines after much patience that the only way He can get your attention is to bring something severe, something painful, something undesirable, something difficult into your life, how do you react? Better yet, what should you do? This is exactly what the prophet Jeremiah is setting before King Zedekiah as he recounts a vision that GOD gave him after the second Babylonian siege of Jerusalem. The vision tells the story of what GOD had determined to do with Judah using the symbols of two baskets of figs. And by way of application, what GOD says here about what He is going to do with the rebellious nation of Judah is the very same thing that He has promised to do with all of humanity. Alright, let’s get right into our text.