From Crossroads To Crucibles

Jul 1, 2020    Pastor Marc Williamson

Last week we saw how the nation of Judah had gone the wrong way. GOD’s people were in danger of judgment because they had forsaken the Lord in their pursuit of other gods & thus had strayed from the ancient paths of GOD’s righteousness. And so, back in chapter 5, GOD asks:

Jer 5:7a How shall I pardon thee for this? thy children have forsaken me & sworn by them that are no gods…

   In mercy, GOD sent His prophets, like watchmen upon the wall which sound the alarm of impending danger, to His wayward people time & again with invitations to repent & return unto Him lest His judgment fall. Back in verse 16, GOD called for them to stand still & recognize that they were at a crossroads. The path they were on spelled disaster. But, if they would turn around & walk in the old paths of righteousness as revealed in Scripture, they could find rest for their souls. Tragically, the people refused to heed the warnings.