Turn or Burn - Part 2

May 20, 2020    Pastor Marc Williamson

Last week we saw the deep disappointment in GOD’s heart over His people’s backslidden condition. GOD had wanted to bless His people as father does a loyal son as opposed to judging them. GOD expected His people to be devoted to Him in their covenant-relationship like a bride to a husband. Instead, the people were unfaithful & sought after the false gods of the pagans around them; they departed from the worship of the true GOD which led them into gross sin. Using both the analogies of a prodigal son & an adulterous wife, GOD says through Jeremiah, “I feel like a disappointed father & a spurned husband” [c.3:19,20]. And yet, even though the people of Judah had been unfaithful to GOD, like a cheating wife & a rebellious, prodigal son, because of His perfect, unconditional, covenantal love, GOD gave gracious invitations for them to come back home.