Who’s To Blame?

Jun 23, 2021    Pastor Marc Williamson

In Chapter 22, GOD told the prophet Jeremiah to go deliver a message to the king, face to face. On the throne at this time was Zedekiah, who was weakest of all the kings of Judah & the last one to sit on the throne before Judah was destroyed. Well, Jeremiah goes down to the palace to appear before the King Zedekiah. From chapter 22 through the end of chapter 25 is the record of the message that Jeremiah delivered before this king. Now, the majority of this message has been the recounting & retelling of the many warnings that have been delivered to Judah over the last several years. Zedekiah is basically getting a history lesson on why his nation is under GOD’s judgment. Chapter 25, which brings us to the conclusion & climax of this message, is no different in the sense that it will carry us back 8 years to the 4th year of King Jehoiakim & retell of how that GOD gave Jeremiah a message concerning the destruction & captivity that were coming for the nation of Judah.