From Heartbreak to Hallelujah

Nov 18, 2020    Pastor Marc Williamson

Last week we saw how that Jeremiah was deeply discouraged, frustrated, & hurt by the revelation that his own neighbors & family had turned on him, & some were at this time plotting to kill him. So deep was his hurt that though GOD had informed Jeremiah that He would vindicate him & destroy those who conspired against him, Jeremiah still felt he needed to express his complaints. And so, he essentially asks GOD to wipe his enemies out immediately instead of allowing them to live at ease. Jeremiah, like so many of us, had fallen into the trap of self-pity when he began to suffer when he felt the sting of betrayal when he became aware of the threats he faced for obeying GOD, & then began to look around & see the wicked enjoying their sins & seemingly prospering in life.