Living Water - Part 1

Jun 5, 2022    Pastor Marc Williamson

In the previous chapter, we watched Jesus evangelize a man at the very peak of society's scale of respectability—Nicodemus. In this chapter, we go to the opposite end of the social spectrum as we watch Jesus evangelize a despised woman. You can’t find a greater contrast than these two. For example, Nicodemus was a favored Jew whereas this woman was a hated Samaritan. Nicodemus was highly educated; she was uneducated. Nicodemus was extremely religious; this woman was immoral. And so, by this well just outside of Sychar, known as Jacob’s Well, Jesus reminds us once again why He came to earth—to seek & save the lost. By this well in Samaria we witness His commitment to saving souls lost regardless of race, reputation, nationality, gender, or standard of morality. And it was also by this well that Jesus exemplified for all of His followers how they should evangelize sinners. In this day of “easy-believism,” more than ever, it so important that we observe the evangelism of Jesus in this passage. We need to be inspired by His pursuit of sinners & also observe how He engaged & led this Samaritan woman to saving faith to ensure that we evangelize sinners properly as the Lord arranges providential witnessing opportunities for us.