Standing At The Crossroads Of Life & Death
One author said that at some point Christians in America went to sleep in the 1900’s only to wake up in a secular nation that they no longer recognized. Jeremiah could have said the same thing about his times. His nation had lost all sense of direction. The reason for this was they had departed from their sole allegiance to the Lord GOD & chose to rather become a pluralistic society that sought after the pagan gods of the surrounding nations. And once they abandoned GOD & His Law, they were left disoriented. They groped like blind men in bewilderment & wandered in the dark. They were heading down a path of destruction & all the while oblivious to the peril before them. They needed someone to stand before them & say, “Stop! You’re lost; you’re going the wrong way! Turn around & get back on the old path or you’re heading for destruction.”