Marks of a Hypocrite

Jul 27, 2022    Pastor Marc Williamson

From the end of chapter 36 we jump forward seven years, from King Jehoiakim to his brother King Zedekiah. The final siege of Jerusalem had begun. And I remind you that GOD is giving us these snapshots from history that we might see & learn from the mistakes of His people which led to their own deaths, captivity, & nation’s destruction. In these first 10 verses we have an example of what we see so often among those who profess to know the Lord—hypocrisy. Tonight, as we make our way through the text, I want to point out the marks of a hypocrite. Why is that important? Because our Lord said to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy (Lk.12:1). GOD hates hypocrisy & no true believer wants to be guilty of it. So, let’s consider these marks & examine our own hearts & deal with anything that might even remotely resemble hypocrisy.