From Wedding Bells To Divorce Court

Feb 23, 2020    Pastor Marc Williamson

Our text begins with a honeymoon (vs. 2) & ends with talk of a divorce (c.3 vs.1). This beginning & ending highlight the relational nature of the issue GOD had with His people at this time. Jeremiah’s first sermon sounds like a case a lawyer would deliver in a courtroom (especially the charge list beginning at v. 9). He, like so many other prophets before him, points out the different covenantal violations the people have made against GOD. But the burning question is not so much the broken laws of the covenant (though it included that), as it is a broken relationship, Israel’s broken promises, & GOD’s broken heart. Jeremiah’s message contains a sharp accusation, severe warning, & chilling threat, but these are rooted in the passionate cry that pours out GOD’s own pain—the pain & anger of betrayed love. It’s a good thing that GOD told young Jeremiah to “not be afraid” of the people’s faces because he started his ministry with a tough sermon. GOD tells Jeremiah to take a walk to Jerusalem for there he’ll preach his first message. It was only a few miles to Jerusalem from Anathoth, a journey young Jeremiah must have made many times already, but it would never have felt longer than the day he had to go & cry in the ears [hearing] of Jerusalem the message that is recorded for us beginning in this chapter.